Friday 20 July 2012


I wanted Toast and he gave me Toast. Hehe. Never miss a thing about food cause i have sharp eyes xD Basically i am interested in this movie once i read the synopsis. It stated Toast is the ultimate nostalgia trip through everything edible in 1960’s Britain. What's more captivating than that?! LOL. Checked the papers everyday for the release for this movie and finally it's out! But why isn't it in the movie schedule? *looking and wondering* Then, one fine morning..i spotted it in the international screens section. One session per day and the GSC International Screens located exclusively at GSC Mid Valley (Kuala Lumpur), GSC 1-Utama (New Wing) and GSC Pavilion Kuala Lumpur are the first of its kind in Malaysia to be dedicated to the screening of non-mainstream, art house and foreign language films. Its main objective to cater to the ever growing sophistication of the movie going audience by providing an alternative programming in the form of award-winning non-mainstream films in all languages. Hmm..felt so arty at the moment. Haha! There's only three of us in the cinema. Us and a stranger. Owned the cinema like a boss. Yeah babe! xD

Sophisticated ticket. Yeng lor~

Yeah~ popcorn! *munch munch munch*

Directed by: S.J. Clarkson
Written by: Lee Hall
Starring: Helena Bonham Carter, Freddie Highmore, Ken Stott, Oscar Kennedy, Frasier Huckle, Sarah Middleton, Victoria Hamilton, Corrinne Wicks

Movie info : Toast is the ultimate nostalgia trip through everything edible in 1960’s Britain. It is based on cookery writer Nigel Slater's autobiographical novel of the same name. Freddie Highmore plays a 15-year-old Nigel Slater, with Helena Bonham Carter as his stepmother and Ken Stott as his father. Even when a child, Nigel loved to cook, cooking for his mother because she is a poor cook with chronic asthma. When she dies, Nigel is left with a distant father, who is more concerned about cavorting with Mrs. Joan Potter, their new cleaner instead. Joan is also a superb cook, which only makes Nigel's fears intensify, and he decides to compete with her to find the way to his father's heart.   

My rating: 3.5/5
Comment: In the film, it is clear that Nigel loves his mother dearly. He says that her sweet nature makes up for her bad cooking. Nigel’s factory worker father is said to have a sweet tooth, despite his fiery temper. Nigel believes his father doesn’t like him at all. The audience is able to instantly connect with young Nigel, who is hungry for both good food and love. Nigel and his family seem to only buy processed food that are found in tin cans. Even canned food proves to be too much trouble for Nigel’s parents. Nigel’s mother is seen boiling a pot of water with three unopened cans of food. It is as if it never crossed her mind that she had to open the cans before putting them in a pot. Nigel’s mother is seen attempting to make a cake as well. Unfortunately, it is not suitable to be eaten either. When she finally gives up and just makes toast, everyone in the family is satisfied. Nigel, as the narrator, says how he feels about toast and captures the mood of the entire movie. He says, “No matter how bad things get, it’s impossible not to love someone who made you toast. Once you’ve bitten through that crusty surface to the soft dough underneath and tasted the warm salty butter, you’re lost forever.” I love it so much =) And look at that lemon meringue! *drooling*

Walked around and had lunch at Dubu Dubu. Saw so many Mickeys! Took so many photographs of Mickeys and with giant Mickeys! ^^

Lunch. @ Midvalley, Megamall.

My spicy toppokki. Tea time, served with roasted barley tea. 
Too spicy! Ended up with an upset stomach =(

Kok Wai's chicken bulgogi set. Yummy =D

Look at that yolk~

CD bun and rocky yam. Loving 'em~ =D

Tan Kok Wai looks like a kiddy.

If you could see me now~

There are Mickeys with themes. Mickey loves cheese?

Like this.

And this.

Or Mickeys who goes solo. I like this. Reminds me of the movie SAW xD

Kok Wai likes this. Lol.

A belated birthday gift from BFF. It's pretty =)

BBQ tonight but i prefer steamboat~

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