Friday 16 September 2011

The life of a university student.

Finally i found some time to blog. Busy like hell once i got here.
Hereby i declare that i am finally a university student. A student of the National University of Malaysia, better known as UKM. Taking dietetics course under the faculty of health sciences in UKM KL campus alongside with the faculties of medicine, pharmacy and dentistry. It seems like everyone here are so damn smart cause to get into courses like these, your pointer must be freakin high. basic requirement into medic, pharmacy and dental is 4.0 damn. Stress ahhh~ Well, you would say that i am not one of them, what should i be stressful about? Let me tell you, those who failed to get into those courses were just not lucky enough. It has nothing to do with their results cause i have this roommate who got 4.0 in matriculation and still didn't manage to get what she really wanted. Her seventh choice. Now, who says matriculation is always the better choice? Though i know it helps you to save a year of your youth and yes, i am feeling old here zzz.

I am a unversity student. Sounds so grand, something you should definitely be proud about. But what's underlying behind this prestigious title, it's not that easy to live up to. Being a STPM student, it's really hard for me to adapt myself to the drastic changes here. A friend who is at least a little close to me here, i've got none. It makes me feel even lonelier. It feels to hard to mix with students from matriculation cause they seemed like they had already have their own clique since years ago. Plus, i am really bad at making new friends. Not to forget about the age problem. i am just being sensitive here >.<" I don't like it here, just like how i hated matriculation. that's why i came back. stop questioning anymore. But i'm feeling that university life is worse than matriculation. What is this all about?! To worsen the situation, the authorities changed the concept of orientation week to orientation MONTH! Are you joking? =.=" People normally feel more fear than fun when they heard the word "orientation" especially when you're a year one newbie in a university. well, i feel that way. Being played by seniors, it's the trend set since long ago. Never fight back or else your life in uni will be like hell. kinda exaggerating here. But i am so in the situation now. Try to put yourself in my shoe! I know others are undergoing exactly what i am undergoing now. I should be the only one complaining. But i am not strong. In fact, i feel useless and weak when it comes to things like these. Not capable of speech and the lack of self confidence. Social skills? Mine sucks to the max.

Independence. Another challenge for me. But that is what uni is all about. Being able to stand on your own two feet. At the same time, start building your social network. Friends are very crucial, you need them. From waking up yourself, washing your own clothes, buying your own food, cleaning your own bedroom to studying and participating in extra co-curricular activities, you can see how one's time management plays such an important role. Something i am not doing well too. I am still struggling here. Lectures had started. I can hardly understand them. It's either i was too sleepy to pay attention or i've got no idea wth is those lecturers talking about! Wondering will i do well here? Will i get what i wanted? Will i bring pride to the family? Question marks everywhere =(

Future dietitian? Or an unemployed?

I took this picture when we were having explore race at Titiwangsa Lake during orientation. Crazy programme planner. We had aerobics in the morning, campus tour in the afternoon and explore race right after that. note that we walked to and back from campus which is buildings and buildings away from our kolej.

Study table


And bed.

You can see that the furniture are actually quite okay although they aren't new. But, my room is on the fourth floor! Worse comes to worse, well, there's nothing worse than climbing up flights of stairs in extremely uncomfortable shoes. My feet hurt zzz! Oh, at least there's something to feel happy about. I think i'm gaining muscles from climbing stairs and washing clothes. Lol. But energy drainage after that.

And something is sucking my blood but i've no idea what. I can only feel the itchiness =.="

Orientation under the chinese seniors is like a nightmare to me. I know it's something great to be done. They are just trying to help us, to mould us into better person. I know well. But i am just that introvert. Trying to change but fail terribly. That's why i always feel that my life is more pathetic than any of them. That is so not my thing.

This is the card they made us make to get signatures from all the seniors. We are required to memorise their boidata before that.

Some seniors asked us to fulfill some tasks before they are willing to sign for us zzz.

Feeling so not ready for this new chapter of life =(

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