Monday 26 September 2011


I am just taking taking some time off to blog =p Only had two hours of lecture today. I spent the rest of the day sleeping and self-studying. Well, today is the big day for our superseniors who are going to graduate and end their degree life in UKM. None of the first year under JPD who went to the convo but hey, we did spare some money to buy all of you flowers and we made you all a "Happy Graduation Day!" banner too ^^ 
Ohhh, one bad news for the day, JPD interaction which was scheduled on this weekend had been postponed to an unknown date in the future =.=" cause we are going Bangi again this Saturday for Majlis Penutupan Bulan Mesra Pelajar. Why can't they just end everything fast?! =S

Another bad news, my wound is getting worse ='(

And i have to watch what i eat carefully =(( A vegan?

Going down to attend a talk session with our FSK dekan later. From what we heard, a second year speech therapy student committed suicide last week and now the dekan is gonna some heart to heart talk with us to shake off every suicidal thoughts in us? So stress meh? Sigh~ Alongside with that, we will have to attend Minggu Pengenalan Kelab dan Persatuan later and tomorrow night too most probably. What club should i join? Badminton? Volleyball? Do they have a Math Club? Whatever is it, i just hope it wouldn't consume much of my time. Just wanna fulfill my credit hours to graduate and to get enough merits to stay in KTSN next year. It's better than staying outside it seems..

Study hard!

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